Resultados de la búsqueda

Mostrando 1 - 10 de 38
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    The complete chloroplast genome of the national tree of Peru, quina (Cinchona officinalis L., Rubiaceae)
    (Taylor & Francis, 2021-09-06) Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin; Ferro Mauricio, Rubén Darío; Chávez Galarza, Julio César; Guerrero Abad, Juan Carlos; Vásquez Pérez, Héctor Vladimir; Maicelo Quintana, Jorge Luis
    Here, we report the first complete chloroplast (cp) genome of Cinchona officinalis. This cp genome has a 156,984 bp in length with typical quadripartite structure, containing a large single copy (LSC) region (83,929 bp) and an 18,051 bp small single-copy (SSC) region, separated by two inverted repeat (IR) regions (27,502 bp). The total GC content was 37.75%. Quina tree chloroplast genome possesses 135 genes that consisted of 89 protein-coding genes, 37 tRNA, eight rRNA, and one pseudogene. Phylogenetic analysis showed that C. officinalis is sister to C. pubescens and sister to them is Isertia laevis; all belong to the Cinchonoideae sub-family.
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    Efecto de zonas agroecológicas y condición de siembra sobre altura de planta y rendimiento en avena forrajera en la región Puno, Perú
    (Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2022-12-14) Zeballos Cabana, Julio Cesar; Carrasco Chilón, William Leoncio; Vásquez Pérez, Héctor Vladimir
    El presente estudio de Avena sativa variedad dorada cayuse, se realizó en seis comunidades de puna seca (PS) y seis comunidades de puna húmeda (PH) en la región Puno. Los objetivos fueron evaluar la influencia de dos zonas agroecológicas PS y PH, dos condiciones de siembra en dormideros (D) y terreno de rompe (TR), sobre la altura de planta (cm) y rendimiento (kg/MS/ha), además de determinar la mejor combinación. Para estimar la altura de planta se utilizó una regla métrica y para el rendimiento se utilizó el método del cuadrante, se usó el DECA con dos factores, el análisis de datos se realizó en el programa estadístico SAS versión 9.4. Según el análisis de varianza y prueba de Tukey, para efectos principales por zona agroecológica la altura de planta en PH y PS fue de 41 y 21 cm de longitud respectivamente (p>0.05), en rendimiento se obtuvo 6551 y 1623 kg/MS/ha (p<0.05); según la condición de siembra la altura de planta en D y TR fue de 39 y 23 cm respectivamente (p>0.05), en rendimiento se obtuvo 5394 y 2779 kg/MS/ha (p>0.05); para efectos simples en combinaciones, PH*D, PH*TR, PS*D y PS*TR, la altura de planta fue de 50, 31, 28 y 14 cm de longitud respectivamente (p>0.05), en rendimiento se obtuvo 8917, 4185, 1872 y 1374 kg/MS/ha respectivamente (p<0.05). Se concluye que la zona agroecológica tiene influencia significativa sobre el rendimiento y la mejor combinación significativa para rendimiento es PH*D.
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    Revealing the complete chloroplast genome of an Andean horticultural crop, sweet cucumber (Solanum muricatum), and its comparison with other Solanaceae species
    (MDPI, 2022-09-01) Saldaña Serrano, Carla Lizet; Chávez Galarza, Julio César; De la Cruz, Germán; Jhoncon, Jorge H.; Guerrero Abad, Juan Carlos; Vásquez Pérez, Héctor Vladimir; Maicelo Quintana, Jorge Luis; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin
    Sweet cucumber (Solanum muricatum) sect. Basarthrum is a neglected horticultural crop native to the Andean region. It is naturally distributed very close to other two Solanum crops of high importance, potatoes, and tomatoes. To date, molecular tools for this crop remain undetermined. In this study, the complete sweet cucumber chloroplast (cp) genome was obtained and compared with seven Solanaceae species. The cp genome of S. muricatum was 155,681 bp in length and included a large single copy (LSC) region of 86,182 bp and a small single-copy (SSC) region of 18,360 bp, separated by a pair of inverted repeats (IR) regions of 25,568 bp. The cp genome possessed 87 protein-coding genes (CDS), 37 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, eight ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, and one pseudogene. Furthermore, 48 perfect microsatellites were identified. These repeats were mainly located in the noncoding regions. Whole cp genome comparative analysis revealed that the SSC and LSC regions showed more divergence than IR regions. Similar to previous studies, our phylogenetic analysis showed that S. muricatum is a sister species to members of sections Petota + Lycopersicum + Etuberosum. We expect that this first sweet cucumber chloroplast genome will provide potential molecular markers and genomic resources to shed light on the genetic diversity and population studies of S. muricatum, which will allow us to identify varieties and ecotypes. Finally, the features and the structural differentiation will provide us with information about the genes of interest, generating tools for the most precise selection of the best individuals of sweet cucumber, in less time and with fewer resources.
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    Evaluación de siete variedades de alfalfa para el mejoramiento alimenticio de la ganadería en Ceja de Selva, Amazonas
    (Dirección de Desarrollo Tecnológico Agrario. Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria, 2020-11-13) Vásquez Pérez, Héctor Vladimir; Carrasco Chilón, William Leoncio
    El objetivo fue evaluar siete variedades de alfalfa: Beacon, WL-625 HQ, WL-440, WL-330, WL-450, WL-350 y Rebound para el mejoramiento alimenticio de la ganadería en el distrito la Florida, Amazonas. Se instalaron parcelas de 6,5 m2 por cada tratamiento bajo un Diseño en Bloques Completamente Randomizado con submuestreo; la evaluación fue durante diez cortes. Se evaluaron variables como altura de planta (AP), Materia Seca (MS), Diámetro Basal (DB), Forraje Verde (FV) y relación hoja /tallo. Se realizó un análisis de varianza y prueba de comparaciones múltiples de Duncan para ver las diferencias significativas entre tratamientos; además, se calculó el coeficiente de correlación que permitió medir el grado de asociación de las variables AP, FV con DB y FV con MS, haciendo uso del software Statistical Analysis System Versión 8. Los resultados encontrados muestran que la mayor altura fue para la variedad WL-625 HQ (53,43 ± 6 cm), mayor producción de FV para la variedad Beacon con 220 t /ha/año y la variedad con mayor rendimiento de MS fue WL- 440 con 56 t de MS /ha/año. El diámetro basal fue diferente entre variedades. La variedad WL-450 mostró la mayor relación hoja/tallo (1,54 cm) con 58% de hojas y 42% de tallos. La mayor correlación para altura de planta se presentó en las variedades WL-625 HQ y Beacon para todos los periodos fenológicos. En conclusión, las variedades que representan una alternativa para el mejoramiento alimenticio de la ganadería en Ceja de Selva son Beacon y WL-625 HQ.
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    Sustentabilidad productiva de la instalación de sistemas silvopastoriles: una revisión sistemática basada en la realidad de Perú y Colombia
    (Colombian Corporation of Agricultural Research (Corpoica), 2023-05-29) Saucedo Uriarte, José Américo; Diaz Quevedo, Clavel; Milla Pino, Manuel Emilio; Durand Chávez, Luz Marlene; Linares Rivera, Jaime Lizardo; Vásquez Pérez, Héctor Vladimir; Quispe Ccasa, Hurley Abel
    La mayor parte de la ganadería a nivel mundial se viene desarrollando en sistemas a campo abierto (sca) o monocultivos, la cual genera pérdidas económicas y ambientales, así como erosión de suelos, pérdida de biodiversidad de flora y fauna, baja producción de carne y leche, y menos ingresos monetarios. Frente a esta situación, existen alternativas sostenibles y sustentables de producción pecuaria que son amigables con el medioambiente, como los sistemas silvopastoriles (ssp). Por lo que, en esta revisión, se plantea analizar la sustentabilidad productiva de la instalación de ssp, al hacer un mayor énfasis en la composición florística de parcelas con ssp en Perú y Colombia, como estudio de caso. La revisión de información fue basada en la declaración Prisma, considerando criterios de inclusión y exclusión, se realizaron comparaciones de producción y calidad del pasto, productividad del ganado lechero y de engorde, oportunidades sociales y ambientales y la composición florística de tales ssp. La instalación de ssp incrementa los rendimientos productivos de los pastos (materia seca, digestibilidad y proteína) y de los animales, como mayor producción de leche y carne, y mayor biodiversidad de especies forrajeras. Además, en ambos países se observa que la implementación de estos sistemas ha mejorado las oportunidades para los productores dedicados a la ganadería, por los beneficiosos impactos económicos, ambientales y sociales que estos brindan. En ese sentido, es un reto para los científicos, gobiernos y entidades involucradas en sistemas sostenibles para seguir buscando nuevas alternativas viables y validarlas para la producción ganadera.
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    Floristic composition of dairy cattle pastures in the Peruvian Northern Highlands
    (E-Cronicon, 2021-08-30) Carrasco Chilón, William Leoncio; Alvarez García, Wuesley Yusmein; Vallejos Fernández, Luis Asunción; Vásquez Pérez, Héctor Vladimir
    To optimize cattle consumption and nutrition, it is essential to know the botanical characteristics of the pastures they consume. Therefore, the objective of the present research work was to evaluate the floristic composition, the productive performance of pastures and the productivity of dairy cattle on cattle farms in the inter-Andean valley of Cajamarca. The research was carried out in 10 dairy farms, under a mixed production system, with a stocking rate between 1.8 and 5.3 animal units per hectare. The floristic composition of the forage floor was determined using the “step transect” method to determine the desirable and undesirable species for livestock, considering the age of the pasture from 35 to 45 days and before grazing. A total of seven dominant species were found, of which Lolium multiflorum L. - “Cajamarquino ecotype”, Trifolium pratense and Trifolium repens are desirable species for livestock and represent on average 44.84% of the forage floor, the difference being represented by weeds or undesirable species such as: Pennisetum clandestinum, Rumex obtusifolius, Taraxacum officinale and Plantago major. Also, the average biomass yield was 3.33 t. ha-1 with protein levels of 9.96%. The forage yield is low, which affects the animal carrying capacity and consequently the production of the dairy cows, ranging from 5.83 to 16.22 kg milk/day on average, showing very variable and with low profitability.
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    Unlocking the complete chloroplast genome of a native tree species from the Amazon Basin, capirona (Calycophyllum spruceanum, Rubiaceae), and Its comparative analysis with other Ixoroideae species
    (MDPI, 2022-01-07) Saldaña Serrano, Carla Lizet; Rodriguez Grados, Pedro Manuel; Chávez Galarza, Julio César; Feijoo Narvasta, Shefferson Gilbert Wilson; Guerrero Abad, Juan Carlos; Vásquez Pérez, Héctor Vladimir; Maicelo Quintana, Jorge Luis; Jhoncon, Jorge H.; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin
    Capirona (Calycophyllum spruceanum Benth.) belongs to subfamily Ixoroideae, one of the major lineages in the Rubiaceae family, and is an important timber tree. It originated in the Amazon Basin and has widespread distribution in Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, and Brazil. In this study, we obtained the first complete chloroplast (cp) genome of capirona from the department of Madre de Dios located in the Peruvian Amazon. High-quality genomic DNA was used to construct libraries. Pair-end clean reads were obtained by PE 150 library and the Illumina HiSeq 2500 platform. The complete cp genome of C. spruceanum has a 154,480 bp in length with typical quadripartite structure, containing a large single copy (LSC) region (84,813 bp) and a small single-copy (SSC) region (18,101 bp), separated by two inverted repeat (IR) regions (25,783 bp). The annotation of C. spruceanum cp genome predicted 87 protein-coding genes (CDS), 8 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, 37 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, and one pseudogene. A total of 41 simple sequence repeats (SSR) of this cp genome were divided into mononucleotides (29), dinucleotides (5), trinucleotides (3), and tetranucleotides (4). Most of these repeats were distributed in the noncoding regions. Whole chloroplast genome comparison with the other six Ixoroideae species revealed that the small single copy and large single copy regions showed more divergence than inverted regions. Finally, phylogenetic analyses resolved that C. spruceanum is a sister species to Emmenopterys henryi and confirms its position within the subfamily Ixoroideae. This study reports for the first time the genome organization, gene content, and structural features of the chloroplast genome of C. spruceanum, providing valuable information for genetic and evolutionary studies in the genus Calycophyllum and beyond.
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    Revealing the Complete Chloroplast Genome of an Andean Horticultural Crop, Sweet Cucumber (Solanum muricatum), and Its Comparison with Other Solanaceae Species
    (MDPI, 2022-05-17) Saldaña Serrano, Carla Lizet; Chávez Galarza, Julio César; De la Cruz, Germán; Jhoncon, Jorge H.; Guerrero Abad, Juan Carlos; Vásquez Pérez, Héctor Vladimir; Maicelo Quintana, Jorge Luis; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin
    Sweet cucumber (Solanum muricatum) sect. Basarthrum is a neglected horticultural crop native of the Andean region. It is naturally distributed very close to other two Solanum crops of high importance, potatoes and tomatoes. To date, molecular tools for this crop are still undetermined. In this study, the complete sweet cucumber chloroplast (cp) genome was obtained and compared with seven Solanaceae species. The cp genome of S. muricatum had a 155,681 bp in length with included a large single copy (LSC) region of 86,182 bp and a small single-copy (SSC) region of 18,360 bp, separated by a pair of inverted repeats (IR) regions of 25,568 bp. The cp genome possessed 88 protein-coding genes (CDS), 37 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, eight ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, and one pseudogene. Furthermore, 48 perfect microsatellites were identified, divided in mononucleotide repeats (32), followed by tetranucleotide (6) and dinucleotides (5). Microsatellites with trinucleotides repeats (3), pentanucleotide (1) and hexanucleotide (1) repeats motifs in these genomes were also identified, but in lower quantity. These repeats were mainly located in the noncoding regions. Whole cp genome comparative analysis revealed that the SSC and LSC regions showed more divergence than IR regions. Our phylogenetic analysis showed that S. muricatum is a sister species to members of sections Petota + Lycopersicum + Etuberosum. We expect to provide useful molecular data to shed light on the genetic diversity within sweet cucumber landrace, and also to determine the evolutionary processes in S. muricatum.
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    Rye production under acid soils and drought conditions: an alternative for the sustainability of high Andean livestock farming in Peru
    (MDPI, 2023-07-05) Carrasco Chilón, William Leoncio; Alvarez Garcia, Wuesley Yusmein; Cervantes Peralta, Marieta Eliana; Quilcate Pairazamán, Carlos Enrique; Vásquez Pérez, Héctor Vladimir
    The rye (Secale cereale L.) crop shows a high potential to contribute to the sustainability of high Andean livestock because it supports the agroclimatic conditions and acid soils in the Peruvian Andes. The production of green forage, hay, and grain from the rye crop in acid soils was studied with the use of different levels of phosphorus and potassium fertilization in four local rye ecotypes (CBI-001, CSM-001, CJS-001, and CCE-001). The green forage yield (GFY) ranged from 32.35 to 53.62 t ha−1, dry matter from 6.05 to 8.56 t ha−1, and hay from 7.0 to 10.36 t ha−1; nutritional levels ranged from 9.02% to 13.56% protein and 6.50% to 7.75% ash levels, mainly with differences between ecotypes (p < 0.05). No differences existed between fertilization levels for the number of stems per plant, spikes per plant, and grains per ear (p > 0.05). Also, CBI-001 and CCE-001 were superior with 1868.4 and 1797.8 kg ha−1 of grain, respectively (p = 0.0072); the use of 60 kg ha of nitrogen, 120 kg ha−1 of P2O5, and 80 kg ha−1 of K2O gave higher grain and residue yields. The high nutritional value and yield of the rye ecotypes studied in acid soil conditions and without irrigation can be an alternative for livestock feeding and grain production in the rainy season in the Andes as a dual-purpose crop.
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    Change of vegetation cover and land use of the Pómac forest historical sanctuary in northern Peru
    (Springer Nature, 2024-04-06) Vera Díaz, Elvis; Camila Leandra, Cruz Grimaldo; Barboza Castillo, Elgar; Salazar Coronel, Wilian; Canta Ventura, Jorge Marino; Salazar Hinostroza, Evelin Judith; Vásquez Pérez, Héctor Vladimir; Arbizu Berrocal, Carlos Irvin
    The dry forests of northern Peru, in the regions of Piura, Tumbes, Lambayeque, and La Libertad, have experienced significant changes as a result of deforestation and changes in land use, leading to the loss of biodiversity and resources. This work analyzed for the first time the changes in vegetation cover and land use of the Pómac Forest Historical Sanctuary (PFHS), located in the department of Lambayeque (northern Peru). The employed approach was the random forest algorithm and visually interpreted Landsat satellite images for the periods 2000–2002, 2002–2004, and 2004–2008. Gain and loss rates were computed for each period, and the recovery process was assessed using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and enhanced vegetation index (EVI). Results indicate an expansion of agricultural land during each period, resulting in the deforestation of 102.6 hectares of dense dry forest and 739.9 hectares of open dry forest between 2000 and 2008. The degree of reforestation in the cleared areas was measured using the NDVI and EVI indices, revealing an improvement from 0.22 in NDVI in 2009 to 0.36 in 2022, and from 0.14 to 0.21 in EVI over the same period. This study is expected to pave the way for executing land management plans, as well as the use and conservation of natural resources in the PFHS in a sustainable manner.

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